Our Diocesan development program is still functioning well amidst all the challenges. PHILANI QUEENSTOWN CATHOLIC DEVELOPMENT visited Holy Family Parish. This of course was done under the supervision of the Priest in charge of that district, Fr. Mthokozisi Thuthuka Madlala TOR. Families in need were organized in time and invited in a special way for this day. Sr. Felicitas, tells us that everything went well there, people felt the Mercy of God in their hearts and houses. The day went as follows, Sr. opened with a prayer and explained the purpose of the project which focuses more on the orphans and vulnerable children, ministering to those affected and infected with HIV/AIDS and related diseases. As it is known the main aim of the project is to help these people get a quality of living in the spirit of serving Christ and give them the dignity they deserve.
There were twenty families there we are told, and (46) children. The way the situation was made Sr. Felicitas realize that there was a great need for the project to visit that place. The saddest part of it all is that most of the families that were there are child headed families. They all got some food parcels and the priest in charge gave a final blessing which marked the end of that special day which brings some sorrow though.
Special thank to His Lordship Bishop A. D. Mpako for pushing this project even when the well looks dry, we also to extend our heartfelt thank you to Sr. Felicita Solani CMDA for taking her time to keep this office going. Any donations on this office will be highly appreciated. We really want to reach all corners of this Diocese but the challenge is finances. People are in need, this is the year of Mercy, and as we know, we need to show Mercy so as to receive it in return. Be merciful like the father and help those who cannot help themselves.
Let us pray for one another to succeed in all what we do. We ask the heavenly Father to save us today from all weaknesses, infirmities and short-comings to which we easily succumb, from demanding standards from others which we do not try to keep ourselves. Save us from being too hard on others and too easy on ourselves, being critical and wide-open-eyed to the faults and failings of others and totally blind to our own, taking for granted the many kindness shown to us today and help us to respond with respect and gratitude not only to all our well-wishers, but also to those who may be critical of us. “Blessed are the merciful: they shall have mercy shown them.” Matthew 5:7